Birds of Prey Centre


Following the tragic death of the renowned conservationist Sarah Higgins, founder of the Naivasha Owl Sanctuary, we felt it was fitting that Elsamere stepped in to re-home Sarah’s birds under licence from Kenya Wildlife who continued to monitor the health and well being of the birds. A number of birds have since passed away due to natural causes leaving us with space to in our facilities.

So we are taking the opportunity to redevelop the bird of prey centre before we take in more birds in need of rescue.

Although the centre is a relatively new venture, it is not the first time our site has given respite to our feathered friends. Joy herself looked after injured Verreaux’s owls, the world’s largest owl species, when she lived here.

We want to continue to play a part in ensuring the birds are at the heart of our mission to educate people in how to treasure and protect these magnificent creatures.

Regrettably none of the birds we accept can be released due to their injuries, but they can have an important role helping to stop the decline of threatened species by educating people about; habitat destruction, man made hazards such as electric power lines, wind farms as well as persecution and poisoning.

If you would like to support our efforts to create a habitat we can all live and thrive in you can make a donation by clicking the button below.